Dacw fy Meichiau

(Crist a'i Aberth - Rhan II)
  Dacw fy Meichiau!
  Dacw fy Meichiau!
Difai yw offrwm ein Pen;
  Arno ef y rhoed fy nrwg,
  Ac aeth dan y Dwyfol wg
Dyg fy nghosp yn ei gorff
    ar y pren.

  Wedi llwyr dalu,
  Wedi llwyr dalu,
Gyda'r cyfoethog bu E';
  Peraroglau gore'u sawr
  Roisant gyda'm Harglwydd mawr,
Ac mewn bedd na bu neb
    oedd ei le.

  Heddyw mae'n eirol,
  Heddyw mae'n eirol,
Eiriol dros wael ddynol ryw,
  Gan ddywedyd, "O! fy Nhad,
  Gwel fy nwhlaw a fy nhraed!
Mi a'u prynais, O! gâd iddynt fyw."

  "Cânt, os dychwelant,
  Cânt, os dychwelant,
Anwylaf Fab, er dy fwyn;
  Os wynebant ataf Fi,
  Ac os credant ynot Ti,
I dagwyddol fwynhâd cânt eu dwyn."
David Charles 1803-80

Tôn [557779]: America / Y Prynedigaeth
    (alaw Americanaidd)

  Rhan I - A welsoch chwi Ef?
  Hoeliwyd yr Aberth

(Christ and his Sacrifice - Part 2)
  Yonder is my Surety!
  Yonder is my Surety!
Faultless is the offering of our Head;
  Upon him was put my evil,
  And he went under the divine frown
He bore my punishment in his body
    on the tree.

  Having completely paid,
  Having completely paid,
With the rich he was;
  Sweet perfumes of the best savour
  They put with my great Lord,
And in a grave where none had been
    was his place.

  Today he is interceding,
  Today he is interceding,
Interceding for base humanity,
  By saying, "O my Father!
  See my hand and my feet!
I have redeemed them, O let them live!"

  "They may, if they return,
  They may, if they return,
Dearest Son, for thy sake;
  If they face me,
  And if they believe in thee,
To eternal enjoyment they may be brought."
tr. 2019 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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